Monday, October 11, 2010

Midnight's Children

Streaky shadows silhouetted against the moonlight,
A stark contrast to those in bright sunshine;
The dark night hides well all apparent flaws,
That the sun brings to light at daytime;

Unwanted, undesirable creatures at noon,
Amble freely in the dead of the night;
The entire world seems their oyster then,
without a chain to shackle 'em at all;

An unclear future akin to foggy nights,
With a childhood lost somewhere in time;
Their Today is full of agony and misery,
Yet they eagerly await a (better) tomorrow to come;

With hopes in their hearts and dreams in their eyes,
They aim to face all challenges like a braveheart;
But for now life is brutally tough for them,
Fuelled by the cruel darkness of the night.


Bingo Games said...

Interestingly :)

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